With prices at an all-time high, finding affordable options can be difficult. But does that mean you'll be paying too much for too little?
by New Zealand Broadcasting School students
Breaking down the social issues that matter to you. Now.
Brought to you by Aaron Dahmen and Ryan Anderson, in collaboration with NZBS.
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With prices at an all-time high, finding affordable options can be difficult. But does that mean you'll be paying too much for too little?
Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat - they need no introduction. But is social media having a negative impact on our lives?
Where to go? What to study? All big decisions. How can you make sure it doesn't get too much?
Mental health is something that affects everyone. We all have it. So what can you do to keep a clear head?
Taking care of the environment is everyone's problem. Simple as that.
Are we gambling away our attention? Science says so.
We all have dreams and social issues that are close to our heart. We also all, have a future.