© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025
Dylan Geldard

Kia Ora, 

Since childhood, I have always been immersed in current events covered by the media. I have found the media to be an intriguing source for better understanding the past, present, and future. The shift in how people consume media has been a motivating factor in my studies, as I want to be able to share important stories with the younger generations, in a way that engages them. 

Throughout my time at B-School I've been able to develop my skills and step out of my comfort zone. I’ve become more confident in being in front of a camera and broadcasting live radio news. My passion for writing and reading has also been elevated, as I have been able to write scripts and stories for many different projects. 

I have enjoyed meeting and working with a range of people and have enjoyed learning from them. I have been able to work to a high standard and meet deadlines. Broadcasting school has also taught me to be adaptable and be prepared for everything, which is a skill I am proud to have

I am eager to learn and develop my skills in media and am prepared for whatever challenge gets thrown at me. 



Waimate Christmas Child

Waimate, a community of just a few thousand people, is already coming together to prepare for the holiday season.

Share Kai with Purpose

"Share Kai with Purpose" is a collaborative project that aims at facilitating cross-cultural connections and understanding.