When I was a child, I looked at the injustice of the world and asked "Why?"
And those around me would say, "That's the way it is."
I never stopped asking why...
I'm passionate, creative, empathic and ready to tell the stories that need to be told. My path to journalism comes from lifelong passions for writing, learning and social justice.
I look forward to talking to you and seeing what I can bring to your team.
Tourette's Syndrome and the fight to be seen
Tourette's Syndrome can be a debilitating condition for those who live with it. But... It's not considered a disability under New Zealand law. A petition before parliament hopes to change that.
Radio Current Affairs - Show Two 2023
A Current Affairs show on Plains FM exploring important local issues, run by the second-year journalism students of the New Zealand Broadcasting School.
Radio Current Affairs - Show One 2023
A Current Affairs show on Plains FM exploring important local issues, run by the second-year journalism students of the New Zealand Broadcasting School.
MetroNews - Tuesday 16th May 2023
This episode of MetroNews is brought to you by the students of the New Zealand Broadcasting School.
Deep Antarctic currents are at risk
Recent climate change research shows the circulation of Antarctic deep ocean currents could slow by more than 40 percent in the next 30 years.
Person-First: Meet Ashleigh
Person-First is a weekly online series exploring the lived experience of invisible disabilities. This week we talk to Ashleigh the advocate.
Person-First: Meet Lauren
Person-First is a weekly article series that explores people's lived experiences of Invisible Disabilities. We talk to Lauren about Anxiety.
The Kite Program
The purpose of this project is to create content for The Kite Program, to engage with charities and foundations.
Get ready for a double shot of comedy
Guess who's back and caught without a script? The Scared Scriptless team will return to the court theatre.
2022 Budget set to tackle violence in NZ
Government announced yesterday $114.5 million would be put towards preventing and responding to family and sexual violence over four years.
This show will have you Hysterical
A popular feminist poetry duo will be returning to Christchurch later this week.
A walk for help
Family violence campaigner walks for 24 hours to highlight the issue of abuse toward men.
Gone but not fur-gotten
Do you want a memento of a dearly departed pet or to give your pet their own mini-me?
A community singing through tragedy
It has been 10 years since the 2011 Christchurch earthquake and nearly 10 years since The Vocal Collective rose from the rubble.