© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025
Layla Bailey-McDowell

Mauri ora, kia koutou katoa.

My name is Layla Bailey-McDowell, and I am a journalism student here at NZBS.

I have always been a passionate and curious kōhine who has an eye for storytelling. My desire to seek the truth, to communicate and be a voice for the unheard is what led me to pursue journalism.

However, I could never truly picture myself as one as it was uncommon to see wāhine Māori on our screens- especially shown positively. From then onwards I aspired to be a part of that change, so other rangatahi alike don't feel that same disconnect.

I am known for being a great leader who is extremely bubbly, empathetic and caring. I value building meaningful relationships in all aspects of life whether that be in the newsroom or on the sports field. I am looking forward to perfecting my craft over the course of my study and can't wait to create more meaningful mahi.


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