Tēnā koutou, my name is Grace Thomas and I am a second year journalism student.
I have a passion for embracing diversity in my reporting and am always up for a good yarn.
"He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata."
Women Where it Matters
In our final episode, Grace and Natasha take a look at the women hitting the tools in the trades industry.
Women Where it Matters
This episode we take a look at the issues which still surround women in sport.
Women Where it Matters
This episode Grace and Natasha visit Hohepa Canterbury, a leading disability service provider.
Women Where it Matters
In this episode, join Grace and Natasha as they take a deeper look in to mental illness in Aotearoa.
Women Where it Matters
In this episode, join Grace and Natasha as they take to the streets with the climate strike protesters.
A helping hand for the hungry
With winter here, those living on the streets will be feeling it the most. But some volunteers are making the chill a little easier to bear.
Diversity in science needs investment
Proper investment is needed if we want more diversity in New Zealand's science industry.