© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025
Gerrit Gray Doppenberg

Kia Ora - I'm Gerrit Doppenberg. 

I have a desire to tell stories. Story-telling and writing are passions of mine - and I find that journalism is a craft that has allowed me to develop my writing and my ability to convey information. 

There's few things better than finding a nice cut of audio or a grab that creates a high quality piece of journalism. I have a keen eye for this, and a fast turnaround for story creation. 

In my spare time, I'm a professional comedian in Christchurch, performing regularly. This year, I was even asked to perform in the International Comedy Festival - Mc'ing for another comedian at her debut show. 

I also enjoy weightlifting and mixed martial arts - the largest growing sport in the world. 

I think my unique set of skills in communication and my quick turnaround would be a great investment for any newsroom. 


Myovolt Is a new wearable vibration therapy that targets joints and muscles for recovery and warming up. 

We created three video advertisements, two podcast episodes, four radio ads and a media plan …