© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024
Dan Irvine

Hello, my name is Dan Irvine.

The creation and production of screen content has always fascinated me. Being in this industry is my dream job! Although I have a broad knowledge and skill base which enables me to engage in many different aspects of the industry, continual learning and growth is important to me. Audio and technical hands-on roles are my passion. The creativity and collaboration within projects energize me. People describe me as fun-loving and relatable yet conscientious and reliable. For me this translates into fostering teamwork, valuing time, and encouraging others so that we can learn, grow, and create high-quality content.


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March/April 2024 to get Full license.

Documentary: A Story You Won't Hear About

In our second year, I made a documentary with one of my classmates. For this project, I Produced, Co-Directed, Colour graded the Documentary. This Project was a massive learning point for me especiall…

Metro News 2023 (Sound Supervisor)

During our second year, we did Metro News, a massive collaboration project between the screen and Journalism Students that brought together all of us to create a real news organisation for a month in …

Kids Shows: Millies Magical Memories (TD)

In our first year, we created Kid's shows to grow our skills in live studio broadcasting and the different roles that accompany it. In our group, I was the Technical Director, which meant I looked aft…

Music Video: Machine Mind (DOP)

One of, if not my favourite projects we created in our second year was the Music Video. I was the Director of Photography in this project so I managed the Camera operation and the lighting as the main…

Drama: Butterfingers (Director)

In our second year, we made a 10-minute Drama Piece. This was the first proper time I had directed a short film and with it came many challenges and tons of learning on how to Direct actors and get th…