© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

MetroNews - News Editor

Tom Cuthbert
MetroNews  MetroNews

Learn about my role as an Editor during our MetroNews daily news production cycle.

For our MetroNews module I was selected as an Editor, a role in which I have a fair bit of experience both in and outside Broadcast School.

I am used to working with my own stories and productions, so being limited to the constraints of a nightly news show with content developed and produced by Journalists posed a new challenge. Alongside this working with Camera Operators posed unique challenges, as everyone had different skill levels.

Working closely with Journalists on their stories gave me an insight into how news stories really come alive on-screen, how good open communication creates an ultimately superior result, and that practice truly does make perfect.

Across the two week period I edited a range of stories, from 2 minute + standalones, down to short 45 second inserts used to fill gaps during the show.

I developed a very quick workflow and took the opportunity to embed my Avid skills, both in the editing process as well as colour-correction and collaborating with Art, Sound and Graphics departments. Alongside this I spent time ingraining my own Avid user profile with relevant hot-keys, shortcuts and personal preferences which eventually led me to have the fastest turn-around time for stories.

As a problem solver and lover of efficiency it gave me the opportunity to develop my work speed and output more than anything, and I believe boosted my skills as an editor.

While each editor worked on more than just their own stories, below are the ones I did the majority of work on, including editing, audio and colour correction. 



New Christchurch Cycleways

New Zealand Dance Competition

Cinema in a streaming world

Accessible Sanitary Products in High Schools

Silent discos causing a stir

Silent Disco in Christchurch Bar

Floods cause havoc for Cantabrians