© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

Electricians are excited about working again

Caitlin Rawling
Lego Electrical person
Electrician  Flickr

Electricians are happy to be back on site as they enter Level 3 today.

Many people are heading back to work today and are excited to get back into the swing of things.

Third year electrical apprentice, Rebekah Wairua, is very excited to get back to into it and pick up where they left off.

“I feel pretty good and excited about being able to go back to work.”

Wairua will be returning to a site with around 120 - 150 people, however, she estimates there may be fewer people during the Level 3 period.

The 20-year old says safety measures have been put in place including limiting people on each floor and stopping whole site weekly meetings.

“Normally we would have weekly site meetings, to discuss any health hazards and other important things which we have come across on site. 

"Now the site managers email each other on what they want to discuss and we have smaller discussions with our companies.”

Hand sanitiser has also been provided on-site for all the workers and the iPad they have to sign in with is regularly cleaned to avoid the spread of bacteria.

Wairua is currently working on the Dunedin Dental School site.

Level 3 started on Monday and is set to last three weeks.