© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025

A glimpse of India right on our doorstep

Holly Grundy
Holi fest organizers
Event Organizers.  ISCC Christchurch - 30/03/24

The 30th of March saw a splash of colour come to the centre of the North Canterbury town of Rangiora.

Rangiora Holi Fest 2024 - ISCC

Last Saturday saw a flood of people and bright colours take over Rangiora's Victoria Park, with the 2024 Holi Festival.

This isn’t the first time Rangiora has hosted a variation of the festival, with the first festival of colour taking place in 2019 before being shut down until 2023 due to covid. Usually this event has been hosted by Rangiora Promotions and PaknSave.

This year the festival was run by the Christchurch ISCC (Indian Social and Cultural Club). The group works to promote Indian culture throughout a variety of different communities by organizing social functions that include a range of cultural activities.


The Holi Festival was a chance for North Cantabrians to immerse themselves in vibrant colours and embrace an important Hindu event.

Traditionally the Holi Fest takes place in March, celebrating the end of winter and the triumph of good over evil. Here in New Zealand, it is turned around to continue the celebration of new beginnings as we move into our colder months.

At the festival participants throw powdered dye into the air, covering those in the area with the bright colours. According to National Geographic and Volunteer Forever, some of the colours hold different symbolism behind them. Red dye is for love, fertility, and matrimony. Blue represents Krishna (a Hindu God), while green stands for new beginnings.

Holi fest
People dancing at the Rangiora Holi Fest HOLLY GRUNDY NZBS

Starting at 11am, Victoria Park was filled with food stalls selling traditional Indian treats, a colour station, henna tent and eager performers bringing a splash of colour to Rangiora. The event even included teaching guests a traditional dance to bring everyone closer together.

Monica Gibbs, a Rangiora resident, spent the whole day at the event and found it very interesting.

"It was interesting having an event where you learn about Holi and culture.”

She said she loved how interactive it was and how hands-on the organizers were throughout the event.

Monica hopes that the ISCC will continue to bring events like this to Rangiora.

“It made it very personal compared to other events run in Rangiora”.
Monica Gibbs

Monica hopes that the ISCC will continue to bring events like this to Rangiora.


Monica Holi
Monica Gibbs at the Rangiora Holi Festival HOLLY GRUNDY NZBS