© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025

Embracing the silver lining

Brie-Ellen Harding

With the winter weather in full effect, Chip Packet Project NZ and St Albans Community Centre are helping those in need.

Chip Packet Project NZ, a non-profitable, self funded organisation helps people every winter in a unique way. Terrena Griffiths and her team of volunteers across New Zealand collect clean empty chip packets and turn them into thermal survival blankets for those in need. The project is solely reliant on donation as previously, grants to support the cause have been denied. A single blanket takes 25 family chip packets and 4 hours of volunteer work to make. This estimates too roughly $75 worth of chippies. As the project is reliant on donation, Terrena said that a donation of $100 can get a thermal blanket couriered to any home across Aotearoa, whilst supporting the cause of helping people in need. These donations are welcomed via the Chip Packet Project NZ website.