© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

Museum offers egg-ducational hunt

Emma Turton

Canterbury Museum is running a moa egg hunt for kids these holidays.

There are between six and twelve eggs hidden around the museum for children to find.

Canterbury Museum has been running the competition for a number of years, but this year they have already had around 500 entries.

The plastic eggs are painted in bright primary colours, easily identifiable and at a child-friendly height so kids can spot them.

They are not chocolate eggs due to the museum's restrictions on food, but the hunt has an even bigger prize of a $100 prezi card at the end.

"We're hoping that the children will also interact with the other objects that are around the eggs and hopefully learn something else," Anthony Hennig Education Communicator at Canterbury Museum says.

Hennig expects there to be many more entries when the holidays begin as there will be more children coming through the museum.