© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

COVID-19 putting an end to encores...for now.

Mitch Redman
Concert v2

Level 4 lockdown measures and increased border restrictions have put an incredible strain on aspects of the New Zealand music industry.

Local artists have had to re-schedule tours and international artists like ANDYC, who was meant to be performing at the Christchurch Town Hall next week, have had to put those plans off for the significant future. 

Not only does this put financial pressure on artists, but also on stage crews, promoters, venue staff and others behind the scenes. 

Christchurch artist Theia was recording music overseas when lockdown procedures tightened, with COVID-19 putting a halt to her trip.

"I had to cut my stay short from being in LA, and get home in time before New Zealand was shutting its border," she said. 

Despite usually being based in Sydney, Theia is working from Auckland on new music and trying to plan tours. 

"It's definitely hard as I'm sure it is for a lot of other musos, you just have to do as much as you can from home." 

Christchurch-born singer Tiki Taane, now based in Papamoa, is another example of somebody affected by the pandemic. 

"I've had to move shows until after July, and push some back until 2021," Taane said. 

In what is usually a busy time for musicians who travel the globe to take advantage of the northern hemisphere's summer months, Taane, who also produces music for bands like Shapeshifter, is enjoying being forced to slow down.

"I'm liking not having to rush around the planet for once and instead spend time in my studio getting through the backlog of projects." 

MusicHelpsLives NZ is a charity that is supported by people in the music industry, however it is now raising funds for those affected by COVID-19 within their own community. 

"The music workers who bring us the sounds and experiences we all cherish are always the first to put up their hands to help when our land and communities are in crisis. Now they need our help," MusicHelps general manager Peter Dickens said. 

More than $282,630 has already been raised, with funds bolstered by the release of song 'Tūtahi/Stay', all proceeds of which will go to the charity.