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Sydenham Anzac event cancelled

Laura Grigg
The Dawn service at Cranmer square.  Abbey Wakefield

Sydenham Anzac Service has been cancelled by the Christchurch City Council following police advice.

Councillor Deon Swiggs took to Facebook this morning to explain that police advised the council to consider calling off smaller ANZAC events.

He said this was to allow larger police presence at bigger services, such as the Dawn Parade in Cranmer Square, because of the heightened levels of security that still remain in place after the March 15 mosque attacks.

Police Commissioner Mike Bush said he understands cancelling services will upset some people, but public safety is their priority.

Christchurch Memorial RSA President, Pete Dawson said he totally disagrees with the decision to cancel the event. 

"The community has the right to remember and our services shouldn't be compromised by what happened on March 15 by one person," Pete said. 

Canterbury RSA District President Stan Hansen said he is concerned council didn't consult in the RSA before cancelling the event.

"We need to carry on with our lives and respect those who made our lives possible," Stan said. 

He urges all RSA to carry on with their services and to talk to local police for safety advice.