© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

Group wants face-lift for Denton Park

James Fleury
Denton Park Field
Denton Park with velodrome in background  James Fleury

Hornby residents fear the 1974 Commonwealth Games legacy will be lost without a memorial of Stanley Denton at the park.

The proposed development included a Commonwealth Games mural with a council approved original games symbol and a memorial of Stanley Denton who gifted the park.

Greater Hornby Residents' Association treasurer Ross Holliston was concerned the park was letting people down when it came to the education of the games and the legacy it had.

Christchurch resident Chelsea Turner, 22, said the additions would be fantastic for educating the public on the games history.

"I think it's a great idea because I feel many millennials are quite ignorant about New Zealand history."

Turner admitted she was not aware the games took place in Christchurch or were even held in New Zealand. 

The mural was designed by Christchurch City Council Arts Advisor Kiri Jarden and incorporated the 38 original Commonwealth nation flags. It will be placed on the velodrome.