© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

Graffiti removal kits will be made available to the public

The Christchurch City Council has teamed up with Keep NZ Beautiful to make graffiti removal kits available to the public for free.

The Christchurch City Council backed the 'Adopt-a-Spot' scheme which makes removal kits (containing removal tools, paint and other useful items) available to the public on request.

Graffiti team leader for the council, Valerie Merryweather, said heavily graffiti'd areas make people feel unsafe and they need to be cleaned up.

"Communities don't like it, it looks really bad. The next thing you get is litter sprawled everywhere and then you get your dump cars."

She said volunteers are combating the tags by removing them and creating beautiful murals to make the area look nicer.

Images courtesy of Val Merryweather

Keep NZ Beautiful Chief Executive Heather Saunderson said adopt-a-spot is good for removal, but on top of that, other programmes work to make the city look beautiful.

"The graffiti removal is to irradicate bad graffiti from our street. We also have a community mural initiative where we work in with schools and local artists to create street art or school art."

She said they send out graffiti guards to their projects which protect against vandalising.

The adopt-a-spot scheme will be pushed out more in Christchurch this year.