© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2024

Christchurch bars and cafes continue to ditch single use plastic straws.

Straw Free Christchurch is a voluntary campaign working towards bettering the Christchurch environment one straw at a time.

Campaigners began approaching bars and cafes last year and asking them to get rid of single use plastic straws.

Straw Free Christchurch organiser Kerry Laundon said of the 30 businesses they've spoken to, a third are now using alternative options.

"What I think we're getting is an increasing awareness and a lot of change that is happening as apart of the campaign but also because of global awareness."


The campaign was presented to the City Council late last year with good results.
Kerry Laundon said it has been passed to the Innovation and Sustanability Committee

"Councillor Vicky Buck said she is very much interested in seeing what the council can do for the campaign."

Kerry and the other campaigners will continue working towards their goal of approaching every bar and cafe in Christchurch.